Monday, January 12, 2009

Chinese Studies - French Orchestra to Tour China

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French Orchestra to Tour China

Michel Ayroles, a renowned French musician has said here that he hopes music could help to defuse tensions between France and China as his orchestra prepares for a week-long tour to China.

"There are real difficulties in France-China relations and we want to take advantage of our tour in China to defuse tensions between the two countries, because music is always a good way to overcome differences," Ayroles said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua.

Ayroles expressed regret over disturbances during the Olympic torch relay in Paris on April 7.

According to Ayroles, the French who took part in the protests did not know about Tibet's history and the Western media reports were "irresponsible" on the riots in Lhasa, capital of Tibet.

"I know a little about Tibetan history and I know Tibet, also known as 'the roof of the world', has been a part of China for a long time," said the musician.

Ayroles said he understood the indignation of the Chinese people in the face of the distorted media reports over the riots in Tibet and the disruption of the Olympic torch relay by Tibetan secessionists in Paris.

"We want to take advantage of our tour in China to demonstrate that French people are not hostile to China, because music is a universal language," said Ayroles.

France and China have enjoyed "a long history of good ties" and the temporary difficulties will not affect the development of this positive relationship," said the orchestra leader.

The National Orchestra des Pays de La Loire is scheduled to leave for a week-long tour to China on April 22. It will give its inaugural concert on April 25 in Qingdao, a port city in east China before going to Beijing and Hong Kong.

According to Ayroles, it is a "good coincidence" as Qingdao and Hong Kong are also the cities to host some games of the 2008 Olympics.

The orchestra has invited Song Siheng, a young Chinese pianist who won the grand Jacques Thibaud prize at the Marguerite Long, for the upcoming tour.

"I went to China to give performances in Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou and Wuxi in 2002, and I was warmly received by the Chinese people," said Ayroles, adding that he looked forward to another memorable time in China.

Editor: Dong Jirong

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