Wednesday, October 8, 2008

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Accomodation and working hours for teachers
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nitropuppy -

I'm thinking of moving to the Chengdu region. (couple years) I'm qualified to teach english. But,
I also have business interests in the States. I'll need the time to manage this.
Also, I can afford my own apartment. I'm accustomed to "Western "living. So, I will not want to
live "on campus". I toured a new apartment complex in Chengdu last winter. It was modern with
"Western" styling. I would like to live there. In addition, my wife lives in Chengdu. I will want
to set up a new apartment for us.
I was hoping somebody would have some information for me. My questions are this;
A. Do schools or universities, insist on teachers living on campus? Or can a foreigner rent his
own place? Any restrictions??

B. I have read some of the horror stories about schools piling on the hours. Then threatening
police or worse, if you don't comply.. I don't care if they they nickel and dime me on salary
issues. I'm not teaching for the money. The "Z" visa will help me stay in country. And I feel it's
important to give something back to the community. But, I don't want to get trapped into working
numerous hours. Can I get a teaching contract that stipulates (concretely) that I will only work
10-15 hours a week? How rare are part time teaching jobs?

Thanks for any insight you could share.

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wushijiao -


Do schools or universities, insist on teachers living on campus?

No. You can rent your own place. It should be fairly easy.


Can I get a teaching contract that stipulates (concretely) that I will only work 10-15 hours a
week? How rare are part time teaching jobs?

Most contracts are for 18-20 hours per week. Your best bet might be to work at a public university
teaching spoken English. They won't nickel and dime you, and they usually have a lot of experience
dealing with and helping foreigners. Also, if you teach spoken English at a public university, you
can arrange part-time jobs on the side easily.

The whole key to not getting ripped off is getting numerous refrences from current/past teachers.
It'd even be worth your money to give a current teacher or two a call before you sign a contract.

mr.stinky -

your wife is already living in chengdu. what is her citizenship, and would you qualify
for a family member visa?

nitropuppy -

In answer to
....your wife is already living in chengdu. what is her citizenship, and would you qualify
for a family member visa?

My fiancée is living in Chengdu. She works in Guangzhou, but her residency is in Chengdu. From
what I have read, I can't marry her until I can show possession of the residence permit.(Part of
the prerequisite paperwork) Of course, I realize that marriage to her would entitle me to the
residency permit. But, I must first get the proper visa in order to stay in country and get the
Ultimately, I would just like to go there, marry her, spend two years and learn her language and
culture. I don't need to work but it seems this is the only way to get a six or twelve month visa.
Once I have the visa, I can apply for the residence permit. Once I have that, I can marry her.
Once I marry her, I can apply for family member status and visa. This seems to be the only order
of the way I can accomplish my goals.
Am I correct in my understanding of things here? I was told I can't get the residence permit on a
tourist visa. Without that, I can't marry her.It's almost a catch-22.
If somebody know different, please tell me.

mr.stinky -

you can get a residence permit on a student visa. i don't know (YET!) about converting to
a family member visa. that's not online for another six months or so.

one possible problem, for me at least; i don't know whether it will be possible to change
type of visa without leaving the country. for now, though, i still have 11 months on my
current residence permit, and can apparently extend as many times as i like.

johnd -

I don't think you need a residence permit to get married if your fiancee is Chinese.I was here on
a tourist visa when I got married. Mr. Stinky's link says:


if both parties are foreigners, one side should present a Chinese residence permit

And what's this family member visa, is it something new?

mr.stinky -

that us embassy link could be out of date. i've read that china no longer, or maybe
never did, certifies marriages between two foreigners.

try these (law dated 1983):

still current law according to:

this one is fresher:

new stuff here:

ohhh..." If both you and your spouse-to-be are foreigners, you will need to present a Chinese
residence permit. The American partner to a marriage in China will need to submit a current
passport and a "certification of marriageability" which can be prepared at the Embassy on the
basis of an affidavit in which the American citizen swears before a Consul that he or she is
currently legally eligible to marry."

All times are GMT +8. The time now is 05:14 PM.

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